Taiwan-Vietnam Course Exchange: Ultrasound and its applications in Environmental Technologies

May 06,2021

Lecturer Nguyen Thanh Tam from VNUHCM-US is committed to the research of ultrasound in environmental technology. She shared her research experience in the course "Reaction Engineering" of Chemical Materials Department of YunTech. The topic is "Application of Ultrasound in the Field of Environmental Technology", introduce Vietnamese research experience to Taiwanese students.

There are a 2 classes participated in this course. There are 53 fourth-year Taiwanese students from the Department of Chemical Materials of YunTech, and 31 Vietnamese students from the Department of Environmental Technology of VNUHCM-US joined the online course interaction.

Figure 1:Professor Zheng Yushen introduces lecturer Nguyen Thanh Tam from VNUHCM-US.

Figure 2:Lecturer Nguyen Thanh Tam from VNUHCM-US shares lectures and exchanges with 53 Taiwanese students

Figure 2:Lecturer Nguyen Thanh Tam introduces the courses to Taiwan students and simultaneously videoed with Vietnamese students.

Environmental Protection Overseas
Science and Technology Innovation Center

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