Professional research team exchange meeting

November 04,2020

The Industry-Academy Cooperation Department of YunTech held a professional research team exchange meeting on November 4th. Two Vietnamese lecturers participated in this meeting on-site to introduce VNUHCM-US and its own research fields, and cooperate with the school research team interactive.

A total of 9 research teams have been involved in this conference and research plans have been proposed, including environmental ecology, energy research, chemical materials, air pollution and other topics. In the future, it will match the research teams of VNUHCM-US in related fields to conduct joint research and exchanges.

Figure 1: The opening introduction from YunTech by the host of project - Vice President Su Chunzhen.

Figure 2: Lectures from VNUHCM-US exchange with YunTech research team.

Figure 3: Lectures Nguyen Thanh Tam、Dang Diep Yen Nga in the first visit to Industry – Academy Office.

Environmental Protection Overseas
Science and Technology Innovation Center

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