Lab visiting tour in YunTech

February 21,2023

During this time visit, 7 members from the VNUHCM-US research team joined the 3 laboratories visiting, to understand the research resources and equipment of YunTech so as to promote follow-up cooperation.
The first stop was led by prof. Tseng Shi-Chang from the Department of Mechanical Engineering visited green energy-related equipment, including small solar hydrogen production equipment, plastic robotic arm soft grippers, etc., and the interaction between laboratory students and Vietnamese professors.

Figure 1: Prof. Tseng Shi-Chang was guiding visit to the green energy technology laboratory

The second stop was led by prof. Cheng Yu-Shen from the Department of Chemical Materials visited the biochemical engineering laboratory and introduce insect biorefining techniques and other related research.

Figure 2: Prof. Cheng Yu-Shen was guiding visit to the biochemical engineering laboratory

The third stop was led by prof. Horng Jao-Jia from the Department of Environmental Safety and post-doctoral researcher Tsai Cheng-Kuo visited the environmental engineering laboratory and the Environmental Response Center to promote exchanging professional fields between Taiwan and Vietnam.

Figure 3: Prof. Horng Jao-Jia and Dr. Tsai Cheng-Kuo were guiding visit to the environmental engineering laboratory

Environmental Protection Overseas
Science and Technology Innovation Center

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