Phân loại hoạt động:
Khóa học online
Thời gian hoạt động:
Registration Time:2022-11-14 (一) ~ 2022-12-01 (四) [Hạn cuối đăng ký]
Course Date:2022-12-02 (五) ~ 2022-12-23 (五)
Giới thiệu hoạt động:
Date: 02/12 - 23/12 Every Friday afternoon
Time: 13:00-16:00 VN time / 14:00-17:00 TW time
Language: English
Person: 15-people class, zero-based student
Software: Google Meet
Please register on the TVEPOC website. After successful registration, an email notification and video link will be sent one week before the course.
This course is a basic introductory course designed for beginners who want to learn Python language development. It uses plain descriptions and intuitive diagrams to clarify correct concepts, and uses examples and extended exercises to familiarize beginners with the use of common Python syntax.